144 research outputs found


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    La digitalizzazione delle informazioni sull’ambiente costruito è un tema di grande complessità e richiede un approccio multidisciplinare per adattarsi alle esigenze di una pluralità di utenze, che possono avvalersi di diversi modelli degli edifici per il raggiungimento di obiettivi specifici. In questo contesto, con la finalità di fornire rappresentazioni coerenti e non ridondanti, occorre pensare a nuove soluzioni per l’archiviazione e la condivisione delle informazioni tecniche, che siano in grado di capitalizzare le conoscenze già acquisite e di integrare i dati nel corso di tutto il ciclo di vita degli organismi edilizi. In questa direzione, progressivamente i metodi di rappresentazione degli edifici si sono evoluti verso le tecnologie digitali e, tra di esse, sta emergendo l’opportunità di utilizzare sinergicamente la modellazione informativa a scala edile (BIM - Building Information Modeling) e urbana (GIS - Geographic Information System) attraverso la definizione di database spaziali multiscalari. L’impiego di questi strumenti permette di costituire archivi digitali che organizzano la conoscenza sui beni sfruttando le potenzialità delle IT (Information Technology) per la realizzazione di applicazioni rivolte alla visualizzazione, all’interrogazione e all’analisi delle informazioni sul costruito. La ricerca presentata propone un flusso di lavoro per la creazione di un sistema informativo fondato su GIS e BIM, capace di raccogliere e armonizzare in un’unica piattaforma navigabile dati eterogenei sul patrimonio costruito. La struttura si fonda su un nucleo centrale costituito da un database spaziale in formato standard, che è possibile arricchire per mezzo del collegamento a moduli di approfondimento tematici e strumenti di supporto alla decisione, determinando una configurazione modulare ed estensibile. Nel caso in esame, si approfondisce il tema del comportamento energetico degli edifici esistenti e della valutazione comparativa di eventuali scenari di riqualificazione. Nel contesto europeo, l’efficienza energetica dei patrimoni immobiliari costituisce un campo di indagine estremamente stimolante in virtù della natura dei beni coinvolti, che spesso includono manufatti obsoleti dal punto di vista tecnologico, ma fondamentali nella definizione del quadro identitario delle comunità, per i quali coesistono interessi volti alla tutela del valore e all’aggiornamento delle prestazioni. La metodologia è stata applicata al centro storico della città di Pavia, con particolare riferimento all’asset immobiliare dell’Università, un patrimonio di grande interesse sia per l’eccezionale valore culturale, che per la sua vastità e varietà. In relazione al caso studio, sono state sviluppate applicazioni per la consultazione delle informazioni di carattere energetico e per la valutazione degli scenari trasformativi ottimali in funzione dei costi di gestione sul ciclo di vita. Le sperimentazioni dimostrano l’operabilità del flusso di lavoro e consentono di mettere in luce i vantaggi derivanti dalla disposizione di una piattaforma per la raccolta e la condivisione dei dati sull’ambiente costruito, concepita per supportare indagini a diverse scale di dettaglio e per essere inclusiva nei confronti di tutti le classi di utenza.The digitalisation of information on the built environment is a complex theme, which requires a multi-disciplinary approach to suit the needs of different users while each class could make use of specific models to reach their targets. In this context, with the aim of providing coherent and non-redundant representations, we need to think to new solutions for storing and sharing technical information. These should be able to capitalize existing knowledge and to integrate new data during the whole lifecycle of buildings. In this direction, representation methods have progressively evolved toward digital technologies, among those the opportunity of making joint use of GIS (Geographic Information System) and BIM (Building Information Modeling) through multi-scalar spatial database is emerging. The adoption of those tools allows defining digital archives that organize knowledge by taking advantage of the potential of IT (Information Technology) for realizing applications aimed at visualizing, querying and analysing building information. The research proposes a workflow for the creation of an information system based on GIS and BIM, able to collect and harmonize heterogeneous data on the built environment within a single platform. The structure is founded on a central core consisting of a standard spatial database, which can be enriched by linking thematic modules and decision support tools, realizing a modular and extensible configuration. In the present case, the theme of energy behaviour and refurbishment of existing buildings is examined in detail. In the European context, the energy efficiency of the built environment is a field of investigation of great interest given the building typologies that are involved. In fact, they often include constructions that are obsolete from a technical perspective, but crucial in the definition of the identity of the communities. For those buildings, interests addressed to the conservation of value and the upgrading of performance could coexist, determining a complex framework. The methodology was applied to the historical centre of Pavia, with a focus on the property asset of its University, which is extremely interesting due to its exceptional value, other than its vastness and variety. Concerning the case study, some applications for displaying energy information and assessing refurbishment scenarios were developed. The experiments show the operability of the workflow and allow to highlight the advantages deriving from the organization of a platform for collecting and sharing data on the built environment, designed to support investigation at different scales and to be inclusive with regard to all users

    In vitro evaluation on HeLa cells of protective mechanisms of probiotic lactobacilli against Candida clinical isolates

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    Aims: To characterize in vitro the ability of human Lactobacillus strains to inhibit the adhesion, to displace and to compete with clinically isolated Candida strains. Methods and Results: Three types of assays were performed to determine the inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 319, Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501, Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 and a specific probiotic combination (SYNBIO) on adhesion of Candida pathogens to HeLa cells: blockage by exclusion (lactobacilli and HeLa followed by pathogens), competition (lactobacilli, HeLa and pathogens together) and displacement (pathogens and HeLa followed by the addition of lactobacilli). Bacterial adhesion to HeLa was quantified by microscopy after May-Grunwald/Giemsa stain. The inhibition results highlight a significant (P < 0.05) competition of the considered probiotics against all the Candida strains. The results suggest that the probiotic strains used in this study could prevent colonization of the urogenital tract by relevant pathogens such as Candida strains through barrier and interference mechanisms (mainly displacement and competition), but the degree of inhibition of adhesion was bacterial strain-dependent. Conclusions: The results support the potential of these Lactobacillus probiotic strains as anti-infective agents in the vagina and encourage further studies about their capacity to prevent and manage urogenital tract infections in females. Significance and Impact of the Study: To optimize the defensive properties of the vaginal microbiota, improving the health of many women by probiotic intervention

    Predictive role of 3x2 achievement goals on the need for autonomy in Physical Education

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    Uno de los principales objetivos de los docentes de Educación Física es aumentar la motivación del alumnado durante sus clases. Esta investigación explora la relación entre las metas de logro 3x2 y la autonomía en el contexto de la Educación Física. Participaron 1706 estudiantes (904 varones y 802 mujeres) con edades comprendidas entre 10 y 17 años de edad (M = 13,75; DT = 2,98), pertenecientes a nueve centros escolares de Educación Primaria y Secundaria del Norte de España. Los estudiantes cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Metas de logro 3x2 en Educación Física (CML 3x2-EF) y la subescala de autonomía de la Escala de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el Ejercicio (BPNES) también adaptada a la Educación Física. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos (M y DT), alfas de Cronbach, correlaciones bivariadas y un análisis de regresión lineal por pasos. Los análisis de fiabilidad mostraron valores aceptables. Las puntuaciones medias más elevadas correspondieron a las metas de aproximación-tarea y aproximación-yo. Los resultados relativos a las correlaciones indicaron una correlación positiva y significativa entre las seis metas de logro y la autonomía, destacando el elevado valor de las metas de aproximación-tarea y aproximación-yo. Las tres metas de aproximación predijeron la autonomía del estudiante. En conclusión, el alumnado de Educación Física percibe mayores niveles de autonomía cuando sus esfuerzos se dirigen hacia el éxito y las posibilidades positivas. Además, se sugieren una serie de implicación didácticas.One of the main objectives of Physical Education teachers is to increase student motivation during their classes, since this effect would have direct repercussions on adherence to physical activity throughout life. This research explores the relationship between the 3x2 achievement goals and autonomy in Physical Education context. The sample comprised 1706 students (904 men and 802 women) aged between 10 and 17 years (M = 13.75; SD = 2.98), all of them belonging to nine Primary and Secondary schools in the North of Spain. These students completed the 3x2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire in Physical Education (CML 3x2-EF) and the autonomy subscale factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES) also adapted to Physical Education. We performed descriptive analysis (M and DT), Cronbach alphas, bivariate correlations and a linear regression analysis by stepwise. Reliability analysis showed acceptable values. The highest average scores are at the task-approach and self-approach goals. In addition, the results related to correlations indicate a positive and significant correlation between the six achievement goals and autonomy, highlighting the high value of the goals of task-approach and self-approach. The three approach goals predicted student autonomy. The results are discussed and didactic implications are suggested. In conclusion, Physical Education students perceived higher levels of autonomy when their efforts are directed towards success and positive possibilities. In addition, a series of didactic implications are suggested

    Changes on fecal microbiota in rats exposed to permethrin during postnatal development

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    Alteration of the gut microbiota through diet and environmental contaminants may disturb the mammalian digestive system, leading to various diseases. Because most exposure to environmentally pyrethroid pesticides such as permethrin (PERM) occurs through the diet, the commensal gut microbiota is likely to be exposed to PERM. The study aimed at evaluating the effect of low-dose exposure to PERM in early life on the composition of fecal microbiota in rats. Over a 4-month follow-up period, fecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids were measured in order to identify possible differences between PERM-treated rats and controls. Further in vitro antimicrobial experiments were conducted to establish the antibacterial activity of PERM against different strains to obtain Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations. The main finding focused on the reduced abundance of Bacteroides-Prevotella-Porphyromonas species, increased Enterobacteriaceae and Lactobacillus in PERM-treated rats compared to controls. Changes of acetic and propionic acid levels were registered in PERM-treated group. From in vitro studies, PERM showed higher antibacterial activity against beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus paracasei, while to inhibit potential pathogens as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli PERM concentration needed to be increased. In summary, exposure to PERM could affect the fecal microbiota and could be a crucial factor contributing to the development of diseases
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